If you stayed this summer in the UK, then you, like us, have had a wonderful summer with nice warm temperatures and lots of sun. This is the kind of summer we usually want to have when we go on holiday. But we can’t complain now, can we? Now that the beautiful British summer is coming to an end, we’ve got the holiday blues kicking in.
Going from a stress-free routine to a school schedule with a tiring daily routine is something that we (like a lot of others) aren’t thrilled about, but oh well, we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do!
So, long story short, we thought about sharing a few tips that might help you and your child get back into a stress-free routine.
1. Find a routine that works for you and your kid
Before your child gets back to school, try to do things that you’d do on a regular school day, starting with a morning routine and a bedtime routine. Other things like making the bed, having breakfast at a certain time, getting dressed, asking them to read a book or dedicating an hour for school work can help them get used to a school schedule before school begins. Your child will gradually get into a routine, so it won't be as tough when they actually get back to school. A stress-free routine goes a long way!
2.Take time out to read a book

After a long summer break, it is not easy for children to go to school and not feel weird about it! That’s where reading comes into the picture. Setting some time for daily reading, even on a holiday, will make them feel like it's okay to be studying. This will also bring discipline before starting their school schedule.
3. Let your kids pick school supplies
It’s always fun to go back to school with something new. It could be something as small as a new pencil case or a new school bag. There’s always that excitement to do some back-to-school shopping – it gives them something to look forward to. This will make them look forward to going back to school with much excitement.
4. Practice meditation
We can not stress enough the importance of meditation and how meditation for kids plays a considerable role in ensuring good mental health. Relaxation is not just time off from school. It is more than just that. My Little Morphée can help calm your child with its meditation sessions – which they can do alone or with an adult. And oh, did we mention the bedtime stories suitable to listen to anytime, anywhere?
We have also made a meditation guide which elaborates on this a little more and will help you get into a stress-free routine. You can have a look just here.
5. Make a list of things they’re excited about
Help your child think about things they’re excited about rather than all the things they are not looking forward to. Ask them to write those things down – meeting their friends, sharing their lunch, seeing you after school, the weekly tennis classes, etc. This exercise in itself will take their mind off all the anxiety and put a smile on their beautiful faces.
6. Tell them that it's okay not to be okay
Like adults, it’s normal for kids to find it hard to get into a back-to-school routine. Introducing meditation for kids at a young age would be a great way to help them cope and, at the same time, take meditation as a lifestyle. My Little Morphée is a screen-free device with multiple meditation sessions (including bedtime stories) to help your child cope with their feelings.
The fact that their feelings are acknowledged will do good for their self-esteem. It is also a great way for parents to bond with their children.
So these are a few things we feel might help you and your child to get into a back-to-school routine. Do tell us if our suggestions helped! We’d love to hear more from you.